

The Tiny Books Universe [Detail]

In February, 2017 I wrote Going Deeper, just one of eight posts last year in the Tiny Books journal. I’d planned – as everyone does towards the beginning of a new year – to write more, but largely for health reasons, that writing didn’t materialise.

At the time I reflected:

To find the ideas that matter – the ideas that really last – it might be an idea to step out of the stream altogether.

I hadn’t expected to take that advice quite so literally, but I’m honestly glad I did. I spent the majority of 2017 distanced from social platforms, putting the time I saved towards reading and reflecting.

I also spent the year working with a cognitive behavioural therapist, which I found incredibly beneficial. That, however, is a topic for another day (and perhaps another journal.)

After almost a year away from writing here I’m ready to get started again. As I’ve said before, I believe a good writer is a good thinker, and I’m looking forward to sharing some of my thinking again. Until then, I wish everyone a happy new year.

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