
Make Unpaid Time Off Work

Take a Break [Detail]

If you work for yourself you’ll be aware of the (hopefully!) constant challenge of being in demand whilst still needing to factor in down time for the occasional holiday.

Making unpaid time off work can be a challenge, especially when you’re aware that your free time – sitting by the pool and soaking up the sun with a beer in hand – isn’t paying any bills.

Helpfully, Matt McCue of 99U, has gathered some ideas on managing your time (and your money) so you can unwind and enjoy that beer without worrying. Take a Break: 5 Ways Freelance Creatives Make Unpaid Time Off Work is well worth reading.

As Ann Friedman puts it in the article:

If you don’t take full advantage of the schedule flexibility that self-employment allows, you’re doing it wrong.

Working for yourself can be incredibly liberating, but with that liberation come a whole new set of challenges. Set aside a few minutes and read the article, it’s filled with useful real world advice.

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