
Two Million Students

Skillshare [Detail]

Congratulations to the team at Skillshare for hitting two major milestones: 10,000 classes and, more impressively, two million students. Great work.

Skillshare, and other platforms like it, offer a tantalising glimpse of the future of education. A future where learning is affordable and everything you could possibly want to learn is just a click or a swipe away.

It’s an exciting time to be working in education and developing connected models of learning. As an educator, I’m always keeping an eye on Skillshare (and, as a subscriber, I’m constantly learning) and I’m delighted that the team has attracted two million students.

Watch this space. Education is changing, and platforms like Skillshare are just the tip of a very large iceberg. Universities need to focus on platforms like this. The future of learning is connected and it’s affordable. Of course there’s value in real world experiences (as an educator, you’d expect me to say that), but there is huge value in bringing together learners in virtual environments too.

When we join the dots of learning, we create wonderful opportunities. Learning should be affordable to all, and Skillshare helps realise that goal.

If you’re interested in learning - isn’t everyone? - I’d recommend taking a look at what Skillshare has to offer. Here’s to the next two million Skillshare students!

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