

Visual Supply Company [Detail]

I always enjoy Armin Vit and Bryony Gomez-Palacio’s posts at Under Consideration. Collectively they cast a critical eye on the wonderful world of graphic design and branding, thoughtfully analysing the identities that cross their paths.

Vit’s analysis of the new brand for VCSO is typically exhaustive (exhaustive in a good way) exploring the rationale behind VCSO’s move towards a new, more simplified, marque.

Though VCSO’s marque might appear simple, there’s a great deal of thinking behind it, and – while outwardly distilled – if you dig a little deeper there’s a great deal of thought in play.

I’d strongly recommend reading Vit’s analysis, you’ll learn a great deal about how brands work if you do so. At the end of the day, your brand can be distilled down to its essence (in this case a series of circles), but what’s important is that you understand what that essence is.

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